
Article 2. Bond Election of California Public Utilities Code >> Division 9. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 5. >> Article 2.

A notice of the bond election, signed by a majority of the directors, shall be posted in three public places in the district not less than 20 days before the election and shall be published in each affected county pursuant to Section 6063 of the Government Code.
The notice shall contain:
  (a) The time and place of holding the bond election.
  (b) The names of the election officers.
  (c) The hours the polls will be open.
  (d) A statement of the purpose for which the election is held.
  (e) The amount and denomination, the rate of interest, and the term, not exceeding 40 years, of the proposed bonds.
For the purpose of the bond election, the board may divide the district into election precincts and may change the precincts as often as occasion requires.
The board shall appoint one inspector, one judge, and two clerks of election in each precinct.
If the board fails to appoint the election officers, or if those appointed are not present at the opening of the polls, the electors present may appoint them and they shall conduct the election.
The board may fix the compensation of the election officers but not exceeding seven dollars ($7) for each election officer.
The polls shall be open on election day from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Every resident of the district, who is a qualified elector of the county, and who is registered in the precinct where the election is held at least 30 days before the election, may vote in the election.
The secretary shall obtain uniform ballots for the bond election. No other form of ballot shall be used. The expense of printing and distributing the ballots to the polling places shall be paid as other current expenses of the district are paid.
The ballot shall contain the following:
  (a) "Official ballot provided by the board of directors of the "____ airport district' to be used in the bond election of said district in the county of ____, State of California, on the ____ day of ____ 19__."
  (b) Other matters required by law.
  (c) "Bonds--Yes" and "Bonds--No."
The board shall provide a booth or private room in which the voter may prepare his ballot in secret.
No electioneering shall be carried on within 100 feet of the polls.
Each voter shall put a cross (×) upon his ballot with pencil or ink after the words "Bonds--Yes" or "Bonds--No" to indicate whether he has voted for or against the issuance of the bonds.
After marking his ballot the voter shall hand it to the inspector. The inspector, in the presence of the voter, shall deposit the ballot in the ballot box. The judge or clerks shall enter the voter's name on the poll list.
Any person offering to vote may be challenged by any elector of the district. In the case of a challenge the judge or clerks of the election shall administer to the person challenged an oath substantially as follows: "You do swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are 21 years of age, that you have resided in this State one year, in this county 90 days, and in this airport district 30 days preceding this election, and that your name is on the great register of this county and was on the great register of a precinct in this airport district at least 30 days before this election, and that you have not before voted this day." If the person challenged takes this oath his vote shall be received. Otherwise his vote shall be rejected.
The secretary shall provide the election officers with official poll and tally lists.
The heading of the poll list shall read "Official poll list of ____ airport district for the airport district bond election on the ____ day of ____ 19__." Under this heading shall be arranged three columns. The heading of the first column shall read "Write your name as it appears on the great register of this county." The heading of the second column shall read "Write your residence, street and number, city, and airport district." The heading of the third column shall read "Are you a qualified registered voter in this airport district?" The person offering to vote shall write his name on the first column of the poll list, give his residence in the second, and in the third shall write the word "Yes" or "No." If he writes the word "No" he shall not be permitted to vote. Persons writing the word "Yes" may be challenged pursuant to this article.
The heading of the tally list shall read "An official tally list of ____ airport district for the airport district bond election held on the ____ day of ____ 19__." It shall be arranged so that the propositions to be voted on at the election may be set forth. It shall be vertically ruled to provide for the counting of votes under a tally system. The heading of the final column shall read "Total votes cast for the bonds" and "Total votes cast against the bonds." A space shall be provided at the bottom of the page for the signatures of the election officers. Over these signatures shall be printed the words "We hereby certify that this is a correct report of the election held in ____ airport district in the county of ____ on the ____ day of ____ 19__."
The election officers shall publicly canvass the votes immediately after closing the polls. They shall fill out the tally sheet and certify the correctness of the canvass. They shall make, sign, and deliver a certificate of the result of the election and transmit it to the clerk of the board of supervisors.
The election officers shall transmit the returns of the election to the board of directors. The board shall meet and canvass the returns on the seventh day after the election at 2 p.m.