Section 41601.7 Of Chapter 4. State School Fund—computation Of Allowance From California Education Code >> Division 3. >> Title 2. >> Part 24. >> Chapter 4.
. A school district with an increase or decrease in the
number of units of average daily attendance at a necessary small high
school from the second principal apportionment to the annual
apportionment may request the county superintendent of schools to
adjust the district's revenue limit or block grant by utilizing the
units of average daily attendance for the annual apportionment for
the necessary small high school in lieu of the units of average daily
attendance for the second principal apportionment. To qualify for
this adjustment, the following conditions shall be met:
(1) The increase or decrease in the units of average daily
attendance between the two periods at the necessary small high school
shall be equal to or greater than 15 percent and such increase or
decrease shall be attributable to pupils attending a necessary small
high school which provides a program of education with individualized
instruction in a residential setting at an institution for pupils
who have been placed in foster care for rehabilitation purposes
pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 200) of Part 1 of
Division 2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(2) The school district reimburses the county superintendent of
schools for the administrative costs of making the adjustment
prescribed by this section.