
Section 52616.21 Of Article 6. Finances From California Education Code >> Division 4. >> Title 2. >> Part 28. >> Chapter 10. >> Article 6.

. Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 46300 or any other law, a county office of education may administer an adult education program and each eligible school district, as specified in subdivision (e), within its jurisdiction may participate in the program. A county office of education administering that adult education program may report the average daily attendance of each school district participating in the adult education program for the purpose of receiving apportionments pursuant to Sections 52616.18 and 52616.19. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall make apportionments pursuant to those sections to a county office of education administering that adult education program provided the following conditions are met:
  (a) The county office of education has a current, valid, written mutual delineation agreement with the local community college located in the geographic area in which the adult education program is offered.
  (b) The attendance of students reported is attendance while engaged in educational activities required of those students under the immediate supervision and control of a certificated employee of a school district that is under the jurisdiction of the county office of education.
  (c) The county office of education serves an area of large geographic expanse that is sparsely populated and geographically isolated, as determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
  (d) The average daily attendance reported is only for those school districts that have agreed to participate in the county-administered adult education program.
  (e) At least 5 percent of the average daily attendance reported by the school districts served by the county office of education is attributable to the school districts participating in the county-administered adult education program for the purposes of apportionments pursuant to Sections 52616.18 and 52616.19.