
Article 5. Enforcement of California Financial Code >> Division 1.1. >> Chapter 20. >> Article 5.

If the commissioner finds that any person has violated any provision of this chapter or of any regulation or order issued under this chapter, the commissioner may order the person to pay to the commissioner a civil penalty imposed pursuant to Section 329.
If, after notice and a hearing, the commissioner finds any of the following with respect to a foreign (other nation) bank that is licensed to maintain an office, the commissioner may issue an order suspending or revoking the license of the bank:
  (a) That the bank has violated any provision of this division or of any regulation or order issued under this division or any provision of any other applicable law, regulation, or order;
  (b) That the bank, in case it is licensed to transact business in this state, is transacting the business in an unsafe or unsound manner or, in any case, is transacting business elsewhere in an unsafe or unsound manner;
  (c) That the bank is in unsafe or unsound condition;
  (d) That the bank has ceased to operate its office;
  (e) That the bank is insolvent in that it has ceased to pay its debts in the ordinary course of business, it cannot pay its debts as they become due, or its liabilities exceed its assets;
  (f) That the bank has suspended payment of its obligations, has made an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or has admitted in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become due;
  (g) That the bank is the subject of an order for relief in bankruptcy or has sought other relief under any bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, or moratorium law, or that any person has applied for any such relief under any such law against the bank and the bank has by any affirmative act approved of or consented to the action or the relief has been granted;
  (h) That a receiver, liquidator, or conservator has been appointed for the bank or that any proceeding for such an appointment or any similar proceeding has been initiated in the place where the bank is domiciled;
  (i) That the existence of the bank or the authority of the bank to transact banking business under the laws of the place where the bank is domiciled has been suspended or terminated; or
  (j) That any fact or condition exists that, if it had existed at the time when the bank applied for its license to transact business in this state, would have been grounds for denying the application.
(a) If the commissioner finds that any of the factors set forth in Section 1831 is true with respect to any foreign (other nation) bank that is licensed to maintain an office and that it is necessary, in case the bank is licensed to transact business in this state, for the protection of the interests of creditors of the bank's business in this state or, in any case, for the protection of the public interest that the commissioner immediately suspend or revoke the license of the bank, the commissioner may issue an order suspending or revoking the license of the bank.
  (b) (1) Within 30 days after an order is issued pursuant to subdivision (a), the foreign (other nation) bank to which the order is issued may file with the commissioner an application for a hearing on the order. If the commissioner fails to commence the hearing within 15 business days after the application is filed with the commissioner (or within any longer period to which the bank consents), the order shall be deemed rescinded. Within 30 days after the hearing, the commissioner shall affirm, modify, or rescind the order; otherwise, the order shall be deemed rescinded.
  (2) The right of any foreign (other nation) bank to which an order is issued under subdivision (a) to petition for judicial review of the order shall not be affected by the failure of the bank to apply to the commissioner for a hearing on the order pursuant to paragraph (1).
Any foreign (other nation) bank whose license to maintain an office is suspended or revoked shall immediately surrender the license to the commissioner.
(a) Any foreign (other nation) bank to which an order is issued under Section 1831 or 1832 may apply to the commissioner to modify or rescind such order. The commissioner shall not grant the application unless he or she finds that it is in the public interest to do so and that it is reasonable to believe that the bank will, if and when it is again licensed to maintain an office, comply with all applicable provisions of this division and of any regulation or order issued under this division.
  (b) The right of any foreign (other nation) bank to which an order is issued under Section 1831 or 1832 to petition for judicial review of the order shall not be affected by the failure of the bank to apply to the commissioner pursuant to subdivision (a) to modify or rescind the order.
(a) If the commissioner finds that any of the factors set forth in Section 1831 is true with respect to any foreign (other nation) bank which is licensed to transact business in this state and that it is necessary for the protection of the interests of the creditors of such bank's business in this state or for the protection of the public interest that he or she take immediate possession of the property and business of the bank, the commissioner may by order forthwith take possession of the property and business of the bank and retain possession until the bank resumes business in this state or is finally liquidated. The bank may, with the consent of the commissioner, resume business in this state upon such conditions as the commissioner may prescribe.
  (b) (1) Whenever the commissioner takes possession of the property and business of a foreign (other nation) bank pursuant to subdivision (a), such bank may, within 10 days, apply to the superior court in the county in which the primary office of the bank is located to enjoin further proceedings. The court may, after citing the commissioner to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined and after a hearing, dismiss such application or enjoin the commissioner from further proceedings and order him or her to surrender the property and business of the bank to the bank or make such further order as may be just.
  (2) The judgment of the court may be appealed by the commissioner or by the bank in the manner provided by law for appeals from the judgment of a superior court to the court of appeal. In case the commissioner appeals the judgment of the court, such appeal shall operate as a stay of the judgment, and the commissioner shall not be required to post any bond.
  (c) Whenever the commissioner takes possession of the property and business of a foreign (other nation) bank pursuant to subdivision (a), the commissioner shall conserve or liquidate the property and business of the bank pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 550) and Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 600) of Division 1, and the provisions of those chapters shall apply, except Sections 592, 593, and 690, as if the bank were a bank organized under the laws of this state.
  (d) When the commissioner has completed the liquidation of the property and business of a foreign (other nation) bank, the commissioner shall transfer any remaining assets to such bank in accordance with such orders as the court may issue. However, in case the bank has an office in another state of the United States which is in liquidation and the assets of such office appear to be insufficient to pay in full the creditors of the office, the court shall order the commissioner to transfer to the liquidator of the office such amount of any such remaining assets as appears to be necessary to cover such insufficiency; if there are two or more such offices and the amount of remaining assets is less than the aggregate amount of insufficiencies with respect to the offices, the court shall order the commissioner to distribute the remaining assets among the liquidators of such offices in such manner as the court finds equitable.