
Article 5. Quail Refuges of California Fish And Game Code >> Division 7. >> Chapter 2. >> Article 5.

The following districts are quail refuges.
The following constitutes a quail refuge and shall be designated the Bolinas Quail Refuge: All that area within the County of Marin, within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of the lands of Ludwig B. Freudenthal, as the same is described in Book 158 of official records on page 261, of Marin County records, and at a point which is 20 feet above mean high tide of the Pacific Ocean, and running thence northeasterly and northwesterly along the southeasterly line of said Ludwig B. Freudenthal tract to a point on the southerly line of the "Mesa Road," thence northeasterly and along the southerly line of Mesa Road to the westerly line of the road leading from the Town of Bolinas to Sausalito, thence southeasterly and along the southerly line of the county road leading through the Town of Bolinas to the landing wharf at the entrance of Bolinas Bay, and 20 feet above mean high tide, thence southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly along a line which is 20 feet above mean high tide to the point of beginning.