Section 1651 Of Chapter 6.5. Habitat Restoration And Enhancement Act From California Fish And Game Code >> Division 2. >> Chapter 6.5.
. As used in this chapter:
(a) "Fish passage guidelines" means those guidelines specified in
the department's California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration
Manual and the National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region,
Guidelines for Salmonid Passage at Stream Crossings, and subsequent
amendments or updates to either document.
(b) "Habitat restoration or enhancement project" means a project
with the primary purpose of improving fish and wildlife habitat. A
habitat restoration or enhancement project shall meet the eligibility
requirements for the State Water Resources Control Board's Order for
Clean Water Act Section 401 General Water Quality Certification for
Small Habitat Restoration Projects, or its current equivalent at the
time the project proponent submits a written request pursuant to
Section 1652 or 1653. The order or current equivalent may include
programmatic waivers or waste discharge requirements for small
habitat restoration projects.
(c) "Project proponent" means a person, public agency, or
nonprofit organization seeking to implement a habitat restoration or
enhancement project.
(d) "Species recovery plan" means a guidance document prepared by
a government agency that identifies recovery actions, based upon the
best scientific and commercial data available, necessary for the
protection and recovery of listed species.