Section 8388 Of Article 9. Salt-water And Anadromous Fish Generally From California Fish And Game Code >> Division 6. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 2. >> Article 9.
. (a) No female angel shark measuring less than 42 inches in
total length or 15 1/4 inches in alternate length and no male angel
shark measuring less than 40 inches in total length or 14 1/2 inches
in alternate length may be possessed, sold, or purchased, except that
10 percent of the angel sharks in any load may measure not more than
1/2 inch less than the minimum sizes specified herein.
(b) Angel shark total length shall be measured from the anterior
end of the head to the tip of the tail while the fish is lying in a
position of natural repose. When measuring total length or alternate
length, the tip of the tail may be laid flat against the surface of
the measuring device. Angel shark alternate length shall be measured
from the point where the leading edge of the first dorsal fin meets
the back to the tip of the tail. Angel sharks may be constrained from
lateral movement during measurement by restraining devices approved
by the department.
(c) Angel sharks taken in gill or trammel nets shall be landed
(brought ashore) with at least one intact pelvic fin and the tail fin
(d) Angel sharks taken in gill or trammel nets shall not be
transferred to or from another vessel, except that angel sharks may
be transferred to or from vessels with a department observer on
board. An observer shall observe and make a written record of that