
Section 81001 Of Division 24. Industrial Hemp From California Food And Agricultural Code >> Division 24.

. (a) There is in the department an Industrial Hemp Advisory Board. The board shall consist of 11 members, appointed by the secretary as follows:
  (1) Three of the board members shall be growers of industrial hemp that are registered pursuant to the provisions of this division. In the case of forming the initial board, and if the registration program established pursuant to this division has not yet been implemented, these board members shall be those who intend to register as growers of industrial hemp. A member of the board who is a grower of industrial hemp, or who intends to register as a grower of industrial hemp, shall be a representative of at least one of the following functions:
  (A) Seed production.
  (B) Seed condition.
  (C) Marketing.
  (D) Seed utilization.
  (2) Two of the board members shall be members of an established agricultural research institution.
  (3) One member of the board shall be a representative as provided by the California State Sheriffs' Association and approved by the secretary.
  (4) One member of the board shall be a county agricultural commissioner.
  (5) One member of the board shall be a representative of the Hemp Industries Association or its successor industry association.
  (6) One member of the board shall be a representative of industrial hemp product processors or manufacturers.
  (7) One member of the board shall be a representative of businesses that sell industrial hemp products.
  (8) One member of the board shall be a member of the public.
  (b) It is hereby declared, as a matter of legislative determination, that growers and representatives of industrial hemp product manufacturers and businesses appointed to the board pursuant to this division are intended to represent and further the interest of a particular agricultural industry, and that the representation and furtherance is intended to serve the public interest. Accordingly, the Legislature finds that persons who are appointed to the board shall be subject to the conflict-of-interest provisions described in Section 87103 of the Government Code.
  (c) The term of office for a member of the board is three years. If a vacancy exists, the secretary shall, consistent with the membership requirements described in subdivision (a), appoint a replacement member to the board for the duration of the term.
  (d) A member of the board shall not receive a salary but may be reimbursed by the department for attendance at meetings and other board activities authorized by the board and approved by the secretary.
  (e) The board shall advise the secretary and may make recommendations on all matters pertaining to this division, including, but not limited to, industrial hemp seed law and regulations, enforcement, annual budgets required to accomplish the purposes of this division, and the setting of an appropriate assessment rate necessary for the administration of this division.
  (f) The board shall annually elect a chair from its membership and, from time to time, other officers as it deems necessary.
  (g) The board shall meet at the call of its chair or the secretary, or at the request of any four members of the board. The board shall meet at least once a year to review budget proposals and fiscal matters related to the proposals.