. (a) (1) The adoption, amendment, or repeal of an emergency
regulation is not subject to any provision of this article or
Article 6 (commencing with Section 11349), except this section and
Sections 11349.5 and 11349.6.
(2) At least five working days before submitting an emergency
regulation to the office, the adopting agency shall, except as
provided in paragraph (3), send a notice of the proposed emergency
action to every person who has filed a request for notice of
regulatory action with the agency. The notice shall include both of
the following:
(A) The specific language proposed to be adopted.
(B) The finding of emergency required by subdivision (b).
(3) An agency is not required to provide notice pursuant to
paragraph (2) if the emergency situation clearly poses such an
immediate, serious harm that delaying action to allow public comment
would be inconsistent with the public interest.
(b) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (c), if a state agency
makes a finding that the adoption of a regulation or order of repeal
is necessary to address an emergency, the regulation or order of
repeal may be adopted as an emergency regulation or order of repeal.
(2) Any finding of an emergency shall include a written statement
that contains the information required by paragraphs (2) to (6),
inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 11346.5 and a description of
the specific facts demonstrating the existence of an emergency and
the need for immediate action, and demonstrating, by substantial
evidence, the need for the proposed regulation to effectuate the
statute being implemented, interpreted, or made specific and to
address only the demonstrated emergency. The finding of emergency
shall also identify each technical, theoretical, and empirical study,
report, or similar document, if any, upon which the agency relies.
The enactment of an urgency statute shall not, in and of itself,
constitute a need for immediate action.
A finding of emergency based only upon expediency, convenience,
best interest, general public need, or speculation, shall not be
adequate to demonstrate the existence of an emergency. If the
situation identified in the finding of emergency existed and was
known by the agency adopting the emergency regulation in sufficient
time to have been addressed through nonemergency regulations adopted
in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 (commencing with
Section 11346), the finding of emergency shall include facts
explaining the failure to address the situation through nonemergency
(3) The statement and the regulation or order of repeal shall be
filed immediately with the office.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no emergency
regulation that is a building standard shall be filed, nor shall the
building standard be effective, unless the building standard is
submitted to the California Building Standards Commission, and is
approved and filed pursuant to Sections 18937 and 18938 of the Health
and Safety Code.
(d) The emergency regulation or order of repeal shall become
effective upon filing or upon any later date specified by the state
agency in a written instrument filed with, or as a part of, the
regulation or order of repeal.
(e) No regulation, amendment, or order of repeal initially adopted
as an emergency regulatory action shall remain in effect more than
180 days unless the adopting agency has complied with Sections
11346.2 to 11347.3, inclusive, either before adopting an emergency
regulation or within the 180-day period. The adopting agency, prior
to the expiration of the 180-day period, shall transmit to the office
for filing with the Secretary of State the adopted regulation,
amendment, or order of repeal, the rulemaking file, and a
certification that Sections 11346.2 to 11347.3, inclusive, were
complied with either before the emergency regulation was adopted or
within the 180-day period.
(f) If an emergency amendment or order of repeal is filed and the
adopting agency fails to comply with subdivision (e), the regulation
as it existed prior to the emergency amendment or order of repeal
shall thereupon become effective and after notice to the adopting
agency by the office shall be reprinted in the California Code of
(g) If a regulation is originally adopted and filed as an
emergency and the adopting agency fails to comply with subdivision
(e), this failure shall constitute a repeal of the regulation and
after notice to the adopting agency by the office, shall be deleted.
(h) The office may approve not more than two readoptions, each for
a period not to exceed 90 days, of an emergency regulation that is
the same as or substantially equivalent to an emergency regulation
previously adopted by that agency. Readoption shall be permitted only
if the agency has made substantial progress and proceeded with
diligence to comply with subdivision (e).