
Section 12463.1 Of Article 4. Reports From California Government Code >> Division 3. >> Title 2. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 5. >> Article 4.

. (a) The Controller shall appoint an advisory committee consisting of seven local governmental officers to assist him or her in developing complete and adequate records.
  (b) Whenever, in the opinion of the advisory committee and the Controller, the public welfare demands that the reports of the financial transactions of a district other than a school district be published, the Controller shall notify the district that reports of its financial transactions are required to be furnished to him or her pursuant to Article 9 (commencing with Section 53890) of Chapter 4 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5. A public entity, agency, board, transportation planning agency designated by the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to Section 29532, or commission provided for by a joint powers agreement pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1, and a nonprofit corporation as defined in subdivision (d), shall be deemed a district within the meaning of this section. The Controller shall compile and publish these reports pursuant to Section 12463.
  (c) The Controller shall make available annually, in a separate report, published in an electronic format on the Controller's Web site, certain financial information about selected special districts. The information provided in this report shall be published no later than June 30 following the end of the annual reporting period. This report may be included whenever the Controller publishes a report pursuant to this section. The Controller shall include in his or her report information that best illustrates the assets, liabilities, and equity of selected districts. Specifically, the Controller shall include in this report a breakdown of each special district's (1) fund balance, which shall include the reserved and unreserved funds, typical for a nonenterprise district; (2) retained earnings, which shall include the reserved and unreserved funds, typical for enterprise districts; (3) fixed assets; and (4) cash and investments. The Controller may also include separate line items for "total revenues" and "total expenditures." This report shall cover the 250 special districts with the largest total revenues for that reporting period. When the report is available, the Controller shall notify the Legislature, in writing, within one week of its publication.
  (d) For purposes of this section, "nonprofit corporation" means any nonprofit corporation (1) formed in accordance with the provisions of a joint powers agreement to carry out functions specified in the agreement; (2) that issued bonds, the interest on which is exempt from federal income taxes, for the purpose of purchasing land as a site for, or purchasing or constructing, a building, stadium, or other facility, that is subject to a lease or agreement with a local public entity; or (3) wholly owned by a public agency.