
Section 54954.5 Of Chapter 9. Meetings From California Government Code >> Division 2. >> Title 5. >> Part 1. >> Chapter 9.

. For purposes of describing closed session items pursuant to Section 54954.2, the agenda may describe closed sessions as provided below. No legislative body or elected official shall be in violation of Section 54954.2 or 54956 if the closed session items were described in substantial compliance with this section. Substantial compliance is satisfied by including the information provided below, irrespective of its format.
  (a) With respect to a closed session held pursuant to Section 54956.7: LICENSE/PERMIT DETERMINATION Applicant(s): (Specify number of applicants)
  (b) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: (Specify street address, or if no street address, the parcel number or other unique reference, of the real property under negotiation) Agency negotiator: (Specify names of negotiators attending the closed session) (If circumstances necessitate the absence of a specified negotiator, an agent or designee may participate in place of the absent negotiator so long as the name of the agent or designee is announced at an open session held prior to the closed session.) Negotiating parties: (Specify name of party (not agent)) Under negotiation: (Specify whether instruction to negotiator will concern price, terms of payment, or both)
  (c) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--EXISTING LITIGATION
  (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9) Name of case: (Specify by reference to claimant's name, names of parties, case or claim numbers) or Case name unspecified: (Specify whether disclosure would jeopardize service of process or existing settlement negotiations) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: (Specify number of potential cases)
  (In addition to the information noticed above, the agency may be required to provide additional information on the agenda or in an oral statement prior to the closed session pursuant to paragraphs (2) to (5), inclusive, of subdivision (e) of Section 54956.9.) Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: (Specify number of potential cases)
  (d) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.95: LIABILITY CLAIMS Claimant: (Specify name unless unspecified pursuant to Section 54961) Agency claimed against: (Specify name)
  (e) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957: THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES Consultation with: (Specify name of law enforcement agency and title of officer, or name of applicable agency representative and title) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Title: (Specify description of position to be filled) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title: (Specify description of position to be filled) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: (Specify position title of employee being reviewed) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE
  (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to consider discipline, dismissal, or release of a public employee. Discipline includes potential reduction of compensation.)
  (f) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency designated representatives: (Specify names of designated representatives attending the closed session) (If circumstances necessitate the absence of a specified designated representative, an agent or designee may participate in place of the absent representative so long as the name of the agent or designee is announced at an open session held prior to the closed session.) Employee organization: (Specify name of organization representing employee or employees in question) or Unrepresented employee: (Specify position title of unrepresented employee who is the subject of the negotiations)
  (g) With respect to closed sessions called pursuant to Section 54957.8: CASE REVIEW/PLANNING
  (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to consider case review or planning.)
  (h) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Sections 1461, 32106, and 32155 of the Health and Safety Code or Sections 37606 and 37624.3 of the Government Code: REPORT INVOLVING TRADE SECRET Discussion will concern: (Specify whether discussion will concern proposed new service, program, or facility) Estimated date of public disclosure: (Specify month and year) HEARINGS Subject matter: (Specify whether testimony/deliberation will concern staff privileges, report of medical audit committee, or report of quality assurance committee)
  (i) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.86: CHARGE OR COMPLAINT INVOLVING INFORMATION PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW
  (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to discuss a charge or complaint pursuant to Section 54956.86.)
  (j) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.96: CONFERENCE INVOLVING A JOINT POWERS AGENCY (Specify by name) Discussion will concern: (Specify closed session description used by the joint powers agency) Name of local agency representative on joint powers agency board: (Specify name)
  (Additional information listing the names of agencies or titles of representatives attending the closed session as consultants or other representatives.)
  (k) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.75: AUDIT BY CALIFORNIA STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE