
Section 6103.3 Of Chapter 2. Fees From California Government Code >> Division 7. >> Title 1. >> Chapter 2.

. (a) (1) For any order or injunction described in paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 6103.2, the sheriff or marshal may notify the protected person by electronic or telephonic means within 24 hours after service of process that the order or injunction has been served on the restrained person, including the date and time when the order or injunction was served, if the protected person has requested this notification and has registered a telephone number or email address at which the protected person may be contacted for this purpose.
  (2) The sheriff may provide the notification described in subdivision (a) via an automated statewide victim information and notification system if the sheriff has access to that system, his or her county participates in that system, and local, state, or federal funds are made available for the operation of that system.
  (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the sheriff may provide the notification described in subdivision (a) by publishing the notice of service of process on the sheriff's Internet Web site.
  (c) If the sheriff participates in the notification program authorized under this section and the service of process is provided by a marshal, the marshal shall promptly inform the sheriff of the date and time when the order or injunction was served, and the sheriff shall provide the notice described in subdivision (a) to the protected person.