
Article 1. Directors of California Harbors And Navigation Code >> Division 8. >> Part 7. >> Chapter 3. >> Article 1.

Each district shall have a board of five directors all of whom shall be registered electors residing within the boundaries of the district and all of whom shall be elected at large. The directors first elected upon the formation of the district shall classify themselves by lot so that two of them shall hold office until the election and qualification of their successors at the first succeeding general district election, and three of them shall hold office until the election and qualification of their successors in the second general district election.
The term of office of each director, other than directors first elected or directors appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years.
If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as if there were a vacancy in the office.
All vacancies occurring in the office of director shall be filled by appointment by the remaining directors.
An appointment to fill a vacancy in the office of director shall be for the unexpired term of the office in which the vacancy exists.
Each director elected or appointed shall hold office until his successor qualifies.
If and when the territory included within the district lies entirely within a single city, the legislative body of such city shall be ex officio the board of directors of the district. In such a case, the presiding officer of such legislative body shall be ex officio the president of the district.
Each director shall receive a sum as may be fixed by the board, not exceeding fifty dollars ($50) for each meeting of the board attended by him or her, for not exceeding four meetings in any calendar month. A director may also receive traveling and other expenses incurred by him or her when performing duties for the district other than attending board meetings. For purposes of this section, the determination of whether a director's activities on any specific day are compensable shall be made pursuant to Article 2.3 (commencing with Section 53232) of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code. Reimbursement for these expenses is subject to Sections 53232.2 and 53232.3 of the Government Code.
Before entering upon the duties of his office each director shall take and subscribe the official oath and file it with the secretary. The oath of office may be taken before the secretary, any member of the board of directors, or any officers authorized by law to administer oaths.