. The district may acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve,
repair, develop, maintain, and operate a harbor and all facilities
appurtenant thereto, connected therewith, or incidental thereto,
including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(a) The dredging of channels, shipways, berths, anchorage places,
and turning basins.
(b) The acquisition, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance of
jetties, breakwaters, bulkheads, seawalls, wharves, docks, ways,
ferry slips, warehouses, streets, roads, drives, parkways, avenues,
approaches, marinas, aquatic playgrounds, beach parks, bathing
beaches, and other recreation facilities, together with structures
and facilities incidental thereto.
(c) The acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair,
maintenance, operation, development, and regulation of fueling,
loading and unloading, towing, repair, warehousing, shipping and
reshipping, and other facilities, aids, equipment, or property
necessary for, or incidental to, the development and operation of the
(d) The acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair,
maintenance, and operation of fireboats, sanitary, and other
facilities necessary for the proper protection of the harbor.