. The State Department of Education shall provide the
leadership for the successful implementation of this article in
programs administered by local public and private schools, school
districts, and county offices of education. The State Department of
Education shall do all of the following:
(a) Provide a planning and technical assistance program to carry
out its responsibilities under this article.
(b) Provide guidelines for schools, school districts, and school
district consortia to follow in the preparation of plans for
implementation of antitobacco use programs for schoolage populations.
The guidelines shall:
(1) Require the applicant agency to select one or more model
program designs and shall permit the applicant to modify the model
program designs to take special local needs and conditions into
(2) Require the applicant agency to prepare for each target
population to be served a description of the service to be provided,
an estimate of the number to be served, an estimate of the success
rate and a method to determine to what extent goals have been
(3) Require plan submissions to include a staffing configuration
and a budget setting forth use and distribution of funds in a clear
and detailed manner.
(c) Prepare model program designs and information for schools,
school districts, consortia, and county offices of education to
follow in establishing direct service programs to targeted
populations. Model program designs shall, to the extent feasible, be
based on studies and evaluations that determine which service
delivery systems are effective in reducing tobacco use and are cost
effective. The State Department of Education shall consult with the
department, and school districts with existing antitobacco programs
in the preparation of model program designs and information.
(d) Provide technical assistance for schools, school districts,
and county offices of education regarding the prevention and
cessation of tobacco use. In fulfilling its technical assistance
responsibilities, the State Department of Education may establish a
center for tobacco use prevention that shall identify, maintain, and
develop instructional materials and curricula encouraging the
prevention or cessation of tobacco use. The State Department of
Education shall consult with the department and others with expertise
in antitobacco materials or curricula in the preparation of these
materials and curricula.
(e) Monitor the implementation of programs that it has approved
under this article to ensure successful implementation.
(f) Prepare guidelines within 180 days of the effective date of
this article for a school-based program of outreach, education,
intervention, counseling, peer counseling, and other activities to
reduce and prevent smoking among schoolage youth.
(g) Assist county offices of education to employ a tobacco use
prevention coordinator to assist local schools and local public and
community agencies in preventing tobacco use by pupils.
(h) Train the tobacco use prevention coordinators of county
offices of education so that they are:
(1) Familiar with relevant research regarding the effectiveness of
various kinds of antitobacco use programs.
(2) Familiar with department guidelines and requirements for
submission, review, and approval of school-based plans.
(3) Able to provide effective technical assistance to schools and
school districts.
(i) Establish a tobacco-free school recognition awards program.
(j) As a condition of receiving funds pursuant to this article,
the State Department of Education, county offices of education, and
school districts shall ensure that they coordinate their efforts
toward smoking prevention and cessation with the lead local agency in
the community where the local school district is located.
(k) (1) Develop, in coordination with the county offices of
education, and administer a competitive grant program for
school-based, antitobacco education programs and tobacco use
intervention and cessation activities in order to reduce the number
of pupils who begin to use tobacco, continue to use tobacco, or both.
Grants shall be awarded, after consultation with local lead
agencies, the committee, and representatives of nonprofit
organizations dedicated to the reduction of tobacco-associated
disease, to school districts and county offices of education for all
pupils in grades 6 to 12, inclusive, that comply with the
requirements of paragraphs (2) and, if applicable, (3).
(2) Every school district and county office of education that
receives a grant pursuant to this section shall provide tobacco-use
prevention instruction that addresses all of the following essential
(A) Immediate and long-term undesirable physiologic, cosmetic, and
social consequences of tobacco use.
(B) Reasons that adolescents say they smoke or use tobacco.
(C) Peer norms and social influences that promote tobacco use.
(D) Refusal skills for resisting social influences that promote
tobacco use.
(3) Every school district and county office of education that
receives a grant pursuant to this section for pupils in grades 7 to
12, inclusive, shall provide tobacco-use intervention and cessation
activities targeted for pupils in high risk groups.
(4) The State Department of Education shall develop criteria and
standards for the allocation of grant awards that consider the need
to balance rural, suburban, and urban projects. In addition, the
State Department of Education shall give priority to applicants and
programs that do all of the following:
(A) Target current smokers and pupils most at risk for beginning
to use tobacco.
(B) Offer or refer pupils to cessation classes for current
(C) Utilize existing antismoking resources, including local
antismoking efforts by local lead agencies and competitive grant
(D) Design the project to coordinate with other community
services, including, but not limited to, local health agencies,
voluntary health organizations, and parent organizations.
(E) Design the project to use and develop existing services and
(F) Demonstrate an understanding of the role that the environment
and community norms play in influencing tobacco use.
(5) Available funds shall determine grant award amounts.
(l) Allocate funds to county offices of education to provide
technical assistance and leadership for tobacco use prevention,
intervention, and cessation programs. The funds shall be allocated to
all participating county offices of education at a minimum amount of
thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500). If funds
appropriated for purposes of allocating at least thirty-seven
thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500) to all participating county
offices of education are insufficient, the Superintendent of Public
Instruction shall prorate available funds among participating county
offices of education ensuring that all participating county offices
of education receive an equal minimum level of funding of
thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500). If funds are
sufficient to provide all participating county offices of education a
minimum of thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500), the
remaining funds shall be allocated according to the following
schedule based on average daily attendance in the prior year credited
to all elementary, high, and unified school districts, and to the
county superintendent of schools within the county as certified by
the Superintendent of Public Instruction:
(1) For counties with over 550,000 units of average daily
attendance, thirty cents ($0.30) per average daily attendance.
(2) For counties with more than 100,000 and less than 550,000
units of average daily attendance, sixty-five cents ($0.65) per
average daily attendance.
(3) For counties with more than 50,000 and less than 100,000 units
of average daily attendance, ninety cents ($0.90) per average daily
(4) For counties with more than 37,500 and less than 50,000 units
of average daily attendance, one dollar ($1) per average daily
(5) For counties with less than 37,500 units of average daily
attendance, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($37,500).
(m) Allocate funds appropriated by the act adding this subdivision
for local assistance to school districts and county offices of
education based on average daily attendance reported in the second
principal apportionment in the prior fiscal year.
(n) (1) Provide that all school districts and county offices of
education that receive funding under subdivision (m) make reasonable
progress toward providing a tobacco-free environment in school
facilities for pupils and employees.
(2) All school districts and county offices of education that
receive funding pursuant to paragraph (1) shall adopt and enforce a
tobacco-free campus policy no later than July of each fiscal year.
The policy shall prohibit the use of tobacco products, any time, in
district-owned or leased buildings, on district property and in
district vehicles. Information about the policy and enforcement
procedures shall be communicated clearly to school personnel,
parents, pupils, and the larger community. Signs stating "Tobacco use
is prohibited" shall be prominently displayed at all entrances to
school property. Information about smoking cessation support programs
shall be made available and encouraged for pupils and staff. Any
school district or county office of education that does not have a
tobacco-free district policy implemented by July 1, shall not be
eligible to apply for funds from the Cigarette and Tobacco Products
Surtax Fund for that fiscal year.