Section 112500 Of Chapter 7. Frozen Foods From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 104. >> Part 6. >> Chapter 7.
. When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
(a) "Food" means any article used by man for food, drink,
confectionery or condiment, or which enters into the composition
thereof, whether simple, blended, mixed or compounded.
(b) "Locker" means the individual sections or compartments of a
capacity of not to exceed 25 cubic feet in the locker room of a
frozen food locker plant.
(c) "Frozen food locker plant" means an establishment in which
space in the individual lockers is rented, leased, or loaned to
individuals, firms, or corporations, for the storage of food for
their own use and which is artificially cooled for the purpose of
preserving the food. The term includes service locker plant, storage
locker plant, and branch locker plant.
(d) "Service locker plant" means a frozen food locker plant in
which patrons' foods are prepared or packaged by the operator of the
plant before the foods are placed in the lockers for storage.
(e) "Storage locker plant" means a frozen food locker plant, the
operator of which does not prepare or package the foods of patrons.
(f) "Branch locker plant" means a frozen food locker plant in any
location or establishment artificially cooled in which space in
individual lockers is rented, leased, or loaned to individuals,
firms, or corporations for the storage of food for their own use
after preparation for storage in a central or parent plant.
(g) "Frozen" means food frozen in a room or compartment in which
the temperature is plus 5 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
(h) "Temperature" means the average air temperature in
refrigerated rooms.
(i) "Department" means the State Department of Health Services.
(j) "Operator" means any person, firm or corporation operating or
maintaining a frozen food locker plant.
(k) "Processor" means an establishment in which, for compensation
directly or indirectly, meat or meat products are cut, wrapped, or
frozen to be delivered for frozen storage by the ultimate consumer.