. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) The rapidly spreading AIDS epidemic poses an unprecedented
major public health crisis in California, and threatens, in one way
or another, the life and health of every Californian.
(b) The best hope of stemming the spread of the AIDS virus among
the general public is the development of an AIDS vaccine to develop
an immunity to exposure.
(c) No vaccine has yet been fully developed, tested, or approved
for AIDS. An effective vaccine, especially when directed at high-risk
groups of unexposed persons, will virtually eliminate the risk of
contracting AIDS, just as the risk of contracting polio and smallpox
have been virtually eliminated by earlier vaccine development,
production, and use among the general public.
(d) Private industry today has the capability of conducting the
vaccine research, biological research, immunology, and genetic
engineering of appropriate viral components needed to formulate,
develop, produce, and test an AIDS vaccine. Whenever these and other
appropriate expertise cannot be found within a single company, the
formation of multiinstitutional research groups should be encouraged
and prioritized, as it is in the public interest to encourage efforts
toward vaccine production.
(e) It is of the highest importance and in the public interest to
maximize public protection by developing an AIDS vaccine and by
establishing high levels of immunization, initially among high-risk
(f) The continuous spread of AIDS and especially the threat of
infection spreading among population groups previously considered
low-risk demands that the highest of priorities be given to the
development of a universal immunoprophylaxis.
(g) The use of vaccines to control the spread of infectious
pathogens is recognized as one of the genuinely decisive technologies
of modern medicine. Recent advances in pharmaceutical technology
combined with better understanding of the immune process offer the
hope of an AIDS vaccine that is effective, safe, relatively
inexpensive, and relatively easy to administer.
(h) Utilization of this new science may be forestalled, however,
by problems that have recently deterred the development of vaccines
by traditional means. These problems must be resolved before the full
public health benefits of new approaches to vaccine development can
be fully and expeditiously realized.
(i) The marketplace conditions facing vaccine manufacturers and
developers today have changed considerably over the past 30 years.
Private manufacturers and developers of vaccines cannot be forced to
produce vaccines, and may choose, under the free enterprise system,
not to produce them if marketplace conditions are unfavorable.
(j) Certain market conditions are slowing and threatening to halt
the development of an AIDS vaccine. Any delay in the discovery,
testing, approval, and production of the vaccine because of these
secondary considerations may cost tens of thousands of human lives
annually, unnecessary pain and suffering for hundreds of thousands of
infected Americans, and billions of dollars in medical costs and in
lost productivity.
(k) Resource constraints in the public and private sectors and the
time required to bring vaccines to market presently limit
investments in vaccines research and development. Although
universities constitute a significant resource in AIDS research in
particular and vaccines research in general, university funding
limitations and conflicting research priorities make reliance on the
resources and expertise of the private pharmaceutical industry a
necessary supplement to public funding of AIDS research.
( l) There has been a decrease in the willingness of
pharmaceutical companies to become involved in vaccine research,
development, and manufacturing because of uncertain profitability and
perceived and actual marketplace risks and disincentives.
(m) It is clearly in the public interest to provide appropriate
and necessary incentives toward the timely development and production
of an effective and safe AIDS vaccine.
(n) The development of an AIDS vaccine provides an exceptionally
important benefit, making its availability highly desirable. However,
certain conditions may preclude that development, including the
(1) There is a high cost for capital expenditures for vaccine
development (estimated to be from ten million dollars ($10,000,000)
to thirty million dollars ($30,000,000)). Testing costs of clinical
trials (twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) per vaccine, by some
estimates) are particularly burdensome, especially for smaller firms.
(2) There is an uncertain market demand for a vaccine once
development costs have been invested and FDA marketing approval has
been secured.
(o) Without state intervention to assure minimal profitability of
an AIDS vaccine, inadequate incentives may exist for the private
sector to commit resources and expertise to the accelerated
development of an AIDS vaccine.
(p) In light of the dangers inherent in the AIDS epidemic to the
general public of California, it is crucial that to the extent
possible any serious obstacles to the development of a vaccine be
(q) Because an AIDS vaccine provides an exceptionally important
public benefit, it is in the public interest to take uncommon action
to facilitate the development and production of a vaccine.
(r) It is as well in the public interest to assure fair
compensation, if necessary at public expense, to any innocent victim
who may be injured by an AIDS vaccine, as a part of implementing the
socially beneficial policy of establishing high levels of AIDS
(s) In light of the high incidence of AIDS amongst Californians,
the California Legislature must lead our country into the 20th
century in this effort.
(t) It is therefore fitting and proper that the State of
California enact uncommon and exceptional legislation in order to
prevent the further spread of the AIDS epidemic.