Section 123371 Of Article 4. Cord Blood Banking Education From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 106. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 1. >> Article 4.
. (a) (1) The State Department of Public Health shall develop
standardized, objective information about umbilical cord blood
donation that is sufficient to allow a pregnant woman to make an
informed decision on whether to participate in a private or public
umbilical cord blood banking program. The information developed by
the department shall enable a pregnant woman to be informed of her
option to do any of the following:
(A) Discard umbilical cord blood.
(B) Donate umbilical cord blood to a public umbilical cord blood
(C) Store the umbilical cord blood in a family umbilical cord
blood bank for the use by immediate and extended family members.
(D) Donate umbilical cord blood to research.
(2) The information developed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall
include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(A) The current and potential future medical uses of stored
umbilical cord blood.
(B) The benefits and risks involved in umbilical cord blood
(C) The medical process involved in umbilical cord blood banking.
(D) Medical or family history criteria that can impact a family's
consideration of umbilical cord banking.
(E) An explanation of the differences between public and private
umbilical cord blood banking.
(F) The availability and costs of public or private umbilical
cord blood banks.
(G) Medical or family history criteria that can impact a family's
consideration of umbilical cord blood banking.
(H) An explanation that the practices and policies of blood banks
may vary with respect to accreditation, cord blood processing and
storage methods, costs, and donor privacy.
(I) An explanation that pregnant women are not required to donate
their umbilical cord blood for research purposes.
(b) The information provided by the department pursuant to
subdivision (a) shall be made available in Cantonese, English,
Spanish, and Vietnamese, and shall be updated by the department as
(c) The information provided by the department pursuant to
subdivision (a) shall be made available on the Internet Web sites of
the licensing boards that have oversight over primary prenatal care
(d) (1) A primary prenatal care provider of a woman who is known
to be pregnant may, during the first prenatal visit, provide the
information required by subdivision (a) to the pregnant woman.
(2) For purposes of this article, a "prenatal care provider" means
a health care provider licensed pursuant to Division 2 (commencing
with Section 500) of the Business and Professions Code, or pursuant
to an initiative act referred to in that division, who provides
prenatal medical care within his or her scope of practice.
(e) The department shall only implement this article upon a
determination by the Director of Finance, that sufficient private
donations have been collected and deposited into the Umbilical Cord
Blood Education Account, which is hereby created in the State
Treasury. The moneys in the account shall be available, upon
appropriation by the Legislature, for the purposes of this article.
No public funds shall be used to implement this article. If
sufficient funds are collected and deposited into the account, the
Director of Finance shall file a written notice thereof with the
Secretary of State.