Section 125342 Of Chapter 2. Procuring Of Oocytes For Research From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 106. >> Part 5.5. >> Chapter 2.
. (a) A research program or project that involves AOP or any
alternative method of oocyte retrieval shall ensure that a written
record is established and maintained to include, but not be limited
to, all of the following components:
(1) The demographics of subjects, including, but not limited to,
their age, race, primary language, ethnicity, income bracket,
education level, and the first three digits of the ZIP Code of
current residence.
(2) Information regarding every oocyte that has been donated or
used. This record should be sufficient to determine the provenance
and disposition of those materials.
(3) A record of all adverse health outcomes, including, but not
limited to, incidences and degrees of severity, resulting from the
AOP or any alternative method of oocyte retrieval.
(b) (1) The information included in the written record pursuant to
subdivision (a) shall not disclose personally identifiable
information about subjects, and shall be confidential and is deemed
protected by subject privacy provisions of law. This information
shall be reported to the State Department of Public Health, which
shall aggregate the data and make it publicly available, as set forth
in paragraph (2), in a manner that does not reveal personally
identifiable information about the subjects.
(2) The department shall provide public access to information
which it is required to release pursuant to the California Public
Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7
of Title 1 of the Government Code). The department shall disseminate
the information to the general public via governmental and other Web
sites in a manner that is understandable to the average person. The
information shall be made available to the public when the biennial
review pursuant to Section 125119.5 is provided to the Legislature.