Section 128680 Of Part 5. Health Data From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 107. >> Part 5.
. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that:
(a) Significant changes have taken place in recent years in the
health care marketplace and in the manner of reimbursement to health
facilities by government and private third-party payers for the
services they provide.
(b) These changes have permitted the state to reevaluate the need
for, and the manner of data collection from health facilities by the
various state agencies and commissions.
(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that as a result of this
reevaluation that the data collection function be consolidated in a
single state agency. It is the further intent of the Legislature that
the single state agency only collect that data from health
facilities that are essential. The data should be collected, to the
extent practical on consolidated, multipurpose report forms for use
by all state agencies.
(d) It is the further intent of the Legislature to eliminate the
California Health Facilities Commission, the State Advisory Health
Council, and the California Health Policy and Data Advisory
Commission, and to consolidate data collection and planning functions
within the office.
(e) It is the Legislature's further intent that the review of the
data that the state collects be an ongoing function. The office shall
annually review this data for need and shall revise, add, or delete
items as necessary. The office shall consult with affected state
agencies and the affected industry when adding or eliminating data
items. However, the office shall neither add nor delete data items to
the Hospital Discharge Abstract Data Record or the quarterly reports
without prior authorizing legislation, unless specifically required
by federal law or judicial decision.
(f) The Legislature recognizes that the authority for the
California Health Facilities Commission is scheduled to expire
January 1, 1986. It is the intent of the Legislature, by the
enactment of this chapter, to continue the uniform system of
accounting and reporting established by the commission and required
for use by health facilities. It is also the intent of the
Legislature to continue an appropriate, cost-disclosure program.