Section 13235 Of Chapter 5.5. Fire Safety Inspections Of Care Facilities From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 12. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 5.5.
. (a) Upon receipt of a request from a prospective licensee of
a community care facility, as defined in Section 1502, of a
residential care facility for the elderly, as defined in Section
1569.2, or of a child day care facility, as defined in Section
1596.750, the local fire enforcing agency, as defined in Section
13244, or State Fire Marshal, whichever has primary jurisdiction,
shall conduct a preinspection of the facility prior to the final fire
clearance approval. At the time of the preinspection, the primary
fire enforcing agency shall provide consultation and interpretation
of fire safety regulations, and shall notify the prospective licensee
of the facility in writing of the specific fire safety regulations
which shall be enforced in order to obtain fire clearance approval. A
fee equal to, but not exceeding, the actual cost of the
preinspection services may be charged for the preinspection of a
facility with a capacity to serve 25 or fewer persons. A fee equal
to, but not exceeding, the actual cost of the preinspection services
may be charged for a preinspection of a facility with a capacity to
serve 26 or more persons.
(b) The primary fire enforcing agency shall complete the final
fire clearance inspection for a community care facility, residential
care facility for the elderly, or child day care facility within 30
days of receipt of the request for the final inspection, or as of the
date the prospective facility requests the final prelicensure
inspection by the State Department of Social Services, whichever is