Section 40463 Of Article 5. Plan From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 26. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 5.5. >> Article 5.
. (a) The plan shall be formally reviewed every two years
beginning in 1982 by the agencies responsible for preparing plan
revisions. In the event of revisions, the compliance schedules and
emission limitations shall be amended to reflect advances in
technology, control strategies, and administrative practices. The
south coast district board may delay submittal of revisions up to two
years if necessary to synchronize with the dates of submittal
required under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 7401 et seq.).
(b) With the active participation of the Southern California
Association of Governments, a South Coast Air Basin emission carrying
capacity for each state and federal ambient air quality standard
shall be established by the south coast district board for each
formal review of the plan consistent with subdivision (a) and shall
be updated to reflect new data and modeling results. A carrying
capacity is the maximum level of emissions which would enable the
attainment and maintenance of an ambient air quality standard for a
pollutant. Emission carrying capacity for state standards shall not
be a part of the state implementation plan requirements of the Clean
Air Act for the South Coast Air Basin.
(c) The state board shall review and comment, within 60 days of
submittal by the south coast district, on the emission carrying
capacity, air quality model selection, and all other data required by
this section. The south coast district board and the Southern
California Association of Governments Executive Committee shall
consider the comments of the state board and shall either accept the
state board's recommendations regarding carrying capacity or shall
advise the state board that the recommendations are not accepted.
(d) If the state board receives notification that its
recommendations are not accepted, the state board shall convene a
conflict resolution committee within 30 days to attempt to resolve
the differences. The committee shall be composed of two members each
of the state board, the Executive Committee of the Southern
California Association of Governments, and the south coast district
board appointed by the entity they represent. The committee shall
make a recommendation to the three governing boards.