Section 40930 Of Chapter 10. District Plans To Attain State Ambient Air Quality Standards From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 26. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 10.
. (a) Each district that has adopted a plan pursuant to this
chapter shall, on or before January 31 of each year, prepare and
submit to the state board a report identifying the number of days
during the preceding calendar year that air quality in the district
violated each state ambient air quality standard for which the
district's status is nonattainment.
(b) For any pollutant for which the report indicates that the
applicable state ambient air quality standard was not violated during
more than three days during the calendar year at any one or more
monitoring locations within the district, the district shall not
adopt any new or more stringent control measure until after
preparation, and approval by the district board, of an analysis that
does all of the following:
(1) Assesses the costs and benefits of all additional district,
state, and federal regulatory actions that would be necessary to
achieve attainment of the applicable state ambient air quality
standard, taking into account only the additional costs and benefits
attributable to achieving the state standard for the remaining three
or fewer days each year.
(2) Includes consideration of all of the socioeconomic impacts
specified in Section 40728.5.
(3) Identifies, if the district is an upwind district, the
benefits of the additional regulatory actions in the district on the
air quality in any downwind district, and identifies the costs
attributable to those regulatory actions.
(c) The state board shall review the district analyses prepared
pursuant to subdivision (b) to ensure expeditious progress towards
attainment in both the district that prepared the analysis and any
downwind district and to ensure that any resulting action of the
district that prepared the analysis does not adversely affect any
downwind district.