Section 42301 Of Article 1. Permits From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 26. >> Part 4. >> Chapter 4. >> Article 1.
. A permit system established pursuant to Section 42300 shall
do all of the following:
(a) Ensure that the article, machine, equipment, or contrivance
for which the permit was issued does not prevent or interfere with
the attainment or maintenance of any applicable air quality standard.
(b) Prohibit the issuance of a permit unless the air pollution
control officer is satisfied, on the basis of criteria adopted by the
district board, that the article, machine, equipment, or contrivance
will comply with all of the following:
(1) All applicable orders, rules, and regulations of the district
and of the state board.
(2) All applicable provisions of this division.
(c) Prohibit the issuance of a permit to a Title V source if the
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency objects to its
issuance in a timely manner as provided in Title V. This subdivision
is not intended to provide any authority to the Environmental
Protection Agency to object to the issuance of a permit other than
that authority expressly granted by Title V.
(d) Provide that the air pollution control officer may issue to a
Title V source a permit to operate or use if the owner or operator of
the Title V source presents a variance exempting the owner or
operator from Section 41701, any rule or regulation of the district,
or any permit condition imposed pursuant to this section, or presents
an abatement order that has the effect of a variance and that meets
all of the requirements of this part pertaining to variances, and the
requirements for the issuance of permits to operate are otherwise
satisfied. The issuance of any variance or abatement order is a
matter of state law and procedure only and does not amend a Title V
permit in any way. Those terms and conditions of any variance or
abatement order that prescribe a compliance schedule may be
incorporated into the permit consistent with Title V and this
(e) Require, upon annual renewal, that each permit be reviewed to
determine that the permit conditions are adequate to ensure
compliance with, and the enforceability of, district rules and
regulations applicable to the article, machine, equipment, or
contrivance for which the permit was issued which were in effect at
the time the permit was issued or modified, or which have
subsequently been adopted and made retroactively applicable to an
existing article, machine, equipment, or contrivance, by the district
board and, if the permit conditions are not consistent, require that
the permit be revised to specify the permit conditions in accordance
with all applicable rules and regulations.
(f) Provide for the reissuance or transfer of a permit to a new
owner or operator of an article, machine, equipment, or contrivance.
An application for transfer of ownership only, or change in operator
only, of any article, machine, equipment, or contrivance which had a
valid permit to operate within the two-year period immediately
preceding the application is a temporary permit to operate. Issuance
of the final permit to operate shall be conditional upon a
determination by the district that the criteria specified in
subdivisions (b) and (e) are met, if the permit was not surrendered
as a condition to receiving emission reduction credits pursuant to
banking or permitting rules of the district. However, under no
circumstances shall the criteria specify that a change of ownership
or operator alone is a basis for requiring more stringent emission
controls or operating conditions than would otherwise apply to the
article, machine, equipment, or contrivance.