
Section 50055 Of Chapter 2. Definitions From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 31. >> Part 1. >> Chapter 2.

. "Assisted housing" means housing financed by a below-market interest rate mortgage insured or purchased, or a loan made, by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development or by the Farmers Home Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture; or a market-interest-rate mortgage insured or purchased, or a loan made in combination with, or as augmented by, a program of rent supplements or subsidies, interest subsidies, leasing, contributions or grants, or other programs as are now or hereafter authorized by federal law to serve persons and families of low or moderate income; or a mortgage or loan made pursuant to this division; or a mortgage or loan from any private or public source with an interest rate and terms satisfactory to the agency and which will meet the requirements and purposes of this division.