. (a) Any agency or museum that has possession or control over
collections of California Native American human remains and
associated funerary objects shall complete an inventory of all these
remains and associated funerary objects and, to the extent possible
based on all information possessed by the agency or museum, do all of
the following:
(1) Identify the geographical location, state cultural
affiliation, and the circumstances surrounding their acquisition.
(2) List in the inventory the human remains and associated
funerary objects that are clearly identifiable as to state cultural
affiliation with California Indian tribes. These items shall be
listed first in order to expedite the repatriation of these items.
(3) List the human remains and associated funerary objects that
are not clearly identifiable by cultural affiliation but that, given
the totality of circumstances surrounding their acquisition and
characteristics are determined by a reasonable belief to be human
remains and associated funerary objects with a state cultural
affiliation with one or more California Indian tribes. Consult with
California Indian tribes believed by the agency or museum to be
affiliated with the items, during the compilation of the inventory as
part of the determination of affiliation. If the agency or museum
cannot determine which California Indian tribes are believed to be
affiliated with the items, then tribes that may be affiliated with
the items shall be consulted during the compilation of the inventory.
(b) Any agency or museum that has possession or control over
collections of California Indian unassociated funerary objects,
sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony shall provide a
written summary of the objects based upon available information held
by the agency or museum. The summary shall describe the scope of the
collection, kinds of objects included, reference to geographical
location, means and period of acquisition, and state cultural
affiliation, where readily ascertainable. The summary shall be in
lieu of an object-by-object inventory. Each agency or museum,
following preparation of a summary pursuant to this subdivision,
shall consult with California Indian tribes and tribally authorized
government officials and traditional religious leaders.
(c) Each agency or museum shall complete the inventories and
summaries required by subdivisions (a) and (b) by January 1, 2003, or
within one year of the date on which the commission issues the list
of California Indian tribes provided for under paragraph (2) of
subdivision (i) of Section 8012, whichever is later. To the extent
that this section requires the inventory and summary to include items
not required to be included in the inventory and summary under the
federal Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (25
U.S.C. Sec. 3001 et seq.), the agency or museum shall supplement its
inventory and summary under this section to include those additional
(d) Upon request of a California Indian tribe, a museum or agency
shall supply additional available documentation to supplement the
information required by subdivisions (a) and (b). For purposes of
this paragraph, "documentation" means a summary of existing museum or
agency records, including inventories or catalogs, relevant studies,
or other pertinent data for the limited purpose of determining the
geographical origin, cultural affiliation, and basic facts
surrounding the acquisition and accession of California Native
American human remains and cultural items subject to this section.
This section shall not be construed to authorize the completion or
initiation of any scientific study of human remains or cultural
(e) Within 90 days of completing the inventory and summary
specified in subdivisions (a) and (b), the agency or museum shall
provide a copy of the inventory and summary to the commission. The
commission shall, in turn, publish notices of completion of summaries
and inventories on its Web site for 30 days, and make the inventory
and summary available to any requesting tribe or state affiliated
(f) The inventory and summary specified in subdivisions (a) and
(b) shall be completed by all agencies and museums that have
possession or control of Native American human remains or cultural
items, regardless of whether the agency or museum is also subject to
the requirements of the federal Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 3001 et seq.). Any inventory or
summary, or any portion of an inventory or summary, that has been
created to meet the requirements of the Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 3001 et seq.) may be
used to meet the requirements of this chapter, if appropriate.
(g) Any agency or museum that has completed inventories and
summaries on or before January 1, 2002, as required by the federal
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (25 U.S.C.
Sec. 3001 et seq.) shall be deemed to be in compliance with this
section provided that the agency or museum does both of the
(1) Provide a copy of the inventories and summaries to the
commission by July 1, 2002, or within 30 days of the date on which
the commission is formed, whichever is later.
(2) Prepare supplementary inventories and summaries as necessary
to comply with subdivisions (a) and (b) for those portions of their
collections that originate from California and that have not been
determined to be culturally affiliated with federally recognized
tribes which, in the case of inventories, are those portions of the
collections of an agency or museum that have been identified on their
inventories under the federal Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 3001 et seq.) as "culturally
unidentifiable," by January 1, 2003, or within one year of the date
on which the commission issues the list of California Indian tribes
provided for under paragraph (2) of subdivision (j) of Section 8012,
whichever is later.
(h) If the agency or museum determines that it does not have in
its possession or control any human remains or cultural items, the
agency or museum shall, in lieu of an inventory or summary, state
that finding in a letter to the commission at the commission's
(i) Following completion of the initial inventories and summaries
specified in subdivisions (a) and (b), each agency or museum shall
update its inventories and summaries whenever the agency or museum
receives possession or control of human remains or cultural items
that were not included in the initial inventories and summaries. Upon
completion, the agency or museum shall provide a copy of its updated
inventories and summaries to the commission. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to mean that a museum or agency may delay
repatriation of items in the initial inventory until the updating of
all inventories and summaries is completed.