Section 9700 Of Part 6. Pet Cemeteries From California Health And Safety Code >> Division 8. >> Part 6.
. The owner of property may dedicate the property to pet
cemetery purposes by a notarized dedication recorded with the county
recorder of the county in which the property is situated on or after
January 1, 1985. The dedication document shall specify the length of
time for which the dedication is made. Dedicated property shall be
held and used exclusively for pet cemetery purposes, unless and until
the dedication is removed from all or any part of the property by an
order and decree of the superior court of the county in which the
property is situated, in a proceeding brought by the pet cemetery
owners for the purpose of removing the pet cemetery dedication and
upon notice of hearing and proof satisfactory to the court of both of
the following:
(a) That no interments were made in, or that all interments have
been removed from, that portion of the property from which the
dedication is sought to be removed.
(b) That the pet cemetery owners have received written
authorization from those persons whose pets have been buried in the
cemetery, or their heirs or assignees, to remove the dedication from
their respective plots or to disinter the pet for removal to another
plot location. The written authorization may or may not be given for
legal consideration.