Section 14051 Of Title 8. Building Security From California Penal Code >> Title 8. >> Part 4.
. The chief law enforcement and fire officials of every city
shall consult with the chief officer of their city who is charged
with the enforcement of laws or ordinances regulating the erection,
construction, or alteration of buildings within their jurisdiction
for the purpose of developing local security standards and
regulations supplemental to those adopted as part of Title 24 of the
California Administrative Code, relating to building standards. The
chief law enforcement and fire officials of every county shall
consult with the chief officer of their county who is charged with
the enforcement of laws or ordinances regulating the erection,
construction, or alteration of buildings within their jurisdiction
for the purpose of developing local security standards and
regulations supplemental to those adopted as part of Title 24 of the
California Administrative Code, relating to building standards. No
provision of this or any other code shall prevent a city or county
from enacting building security standards stricter than those enacted
by the state.