Section 14111 Of Title 10. Community Violence Prevention And Conflict Resolution From California Penal Code >> Title 10. >> Part 4.
. The Legislature further finds that:
(a) It is in the public interest to translate the findings of the
California Commission on Crime Control and Violence Prevention into
community-empowering, community-activated violence prevention efforts
that would educate, inspire, and inform the citizens of California
about, coordinate existing programs relating to, and provide direct
services addressing the root causes of, violence in California.
(b) The recommendations in the report of the commission can serve
as both the foundation and guidelines for short-, intermediate-, and
long-term programs to address and alleviate violence in California.
(c) It is in the public interest to facilitate the highest degree
of coordination between, cooperation among, and utilization of
public, nonprofit, and private sector resources, programs, agencies,
organizations, and institutions toward maximally successful violence
prevention and crime control efforts.
(d) Prevention is a sound fiscal, as well as social, policy
objective. Crime and violence prevention programs can and should
yield substantially beneficial results with regard to the exorbitant
costs of both violence and crime to the public and private sectors.
(e) The Office of Emergency Services is the appropriate state
agency to contract for programs addressing the root causes of