Section 1507 Of Chapter 1. Of The Writ Of Habeas Corpus From California Penal Code >> Title 12. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 1.
. Where an application for a writ of habeas corpus has been
made by or on behalf of any person other than a defendant in a
criminal case, an appeal may be taken to the court of appeal from a
final order of a superior court granting all or any part of the
relief sought; and where such application has been heard and
determined in a court of appeal, either on an application filed in
that court or on appeal from a superior court, and all or any part of
the relief sought has been granted, an application may be made for a
hearing in the Supreme Court. Such appeal shall be taken and such
application for hearing in the Supreme Court shall be made in
accordance with rules to be laid down by the Judicial Council. The
court which made the order granting relief or the court in which the
appeal or petition for hearing is pending may, in its discretion, and
upon such conditions as it deems just stay the execution of the
order pending final determination of the matter.