Section 17360 Of Division 2. Definitions From California Penal Code >> Division 2. >> Title 1. >> Part 6.
. As used in this part, "zip gun" means any weapon or device
that meets all of the following criteria:
(a) It was not imported as a firearm by an importer licensed
pursuant to Chapter 44 (commencing with Section 921) of Title 18 of
the United States Code and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.
(b) It was not originally designed to be a firearm by a
manufacturer licensed pursuant to Chapter 44 (commencing with Section
921) of Title 18 of the United States Code and the regulations
issued pursuant thereto.
(c) No tax was paid on the weapon or device nor was an exemption
from paying tax on that weapon or device granted under Section 4181
and Subchapters F (commencing with Section 4216) and G (commencing
with Section 4221) of Chapter 32 of Title 26 of the United States
Code, as amended, and the regulations issued pursuant thereto.
(d) It is made or altered to expel a projectile by the force of an
explosion or other form of combustion.