Section 18265 Of Chapter 1. Seizure And Subsequent Procedures From California Penal Code >> Division 4. >> Title 2. >> Part 6. >> Chapter 1.
. (a) No firearm or other deadly weapon taken into custody
pursuant to this division shall be held less than 48 hours.
(b) Except as provided in Section 18400, if a firearm or other
deadly weapon is not retained for use as evidence related to criminal
charges brought as a result of the domestic violence incident or is
not retained because it was illegally possessed, the firearm or other
deadly weapon shall be made available to the owner or person who was
in lawful possession 48 hours after the seizure, or as soon
thereafter as possible, but no later than five business days after
the owner or person who was in lawful possession demonstrates
compliance with Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 33850) of Division
11 of Title 4.
(c) In any civil action or proceeding for the return of any
firearm, ammunition, or other deadly weapon seized by any state or
local law enforcement agency and not returned within five business
days after the initial seizure, except as provided in Section 18270,
the court shall allow reasonable attorney's fees to the prevailing