Section 26300 Of Chapter 5. Retired Peace Officer Carrying A Concealed And Loaded Firearm From California Penal Code >> Division 5. >> Title 4. >> Part 6. >> Chapter 5.
. (a) Any peace officer listed in Section 830.1 or 830.2 or
subdivision (c) of Section 830.5 who retired prior to January 1,
1981, is authorized to carry a concealed and loaded firearm if the
agency issued the officer an identification certificate and the
certificate has not been stamped as specified in Section 25470.
(b) Any peace officer employed by an agency and listed in Section
830.1 or 830.2 or subdivision (c) of Section 830.5 who retired after
January 1, 1981, shall have an endorsement on the officer's
identification certificate stating that the issuing agency approves
the officer's carrying of a concealed and loaded firearm.
(c) (1) Any peace officer not listed in subdivision (a) or (b) who
was authorized to, and did, carry a firearm during the course and
scope of his or her appointment as a peace officer shall have an
endorsement on the officer's identification certificate stating that
the issuing agency approves the officer's carrying of a concealed and
loaded firearm.
(2) This subdivision applies to a retired reserve officer if the
retired reserve officer satisfies the requirements of paragraph (1),
was a level I reserve officer as described in paragraph (1) of
subdivision (a) of Section 832.6, and he or she served in the
aggregate the minimum amount of time as specified by the retiree's
agency's policy as a level I reserve officer, provided that the
policy shall not set an aggregate term requirement that is less than
10 years or more than 20 years. Service as a reserve officer, other
than a level I reserve officer prior to January 1, 1997, shall not
count toward the accrual of time required by this section. A law
enforcement agency shall have the discretion to revoke or deny an
endorsement issued under this subdivision pursuant to Section 26305.