Section 26815 Of Article 2. Grounds For Forfeiture Of License From California Penal Code >> Division 6. >> Title 4. >> Part 6. >> Chapter 2. >> Article 2.
. No firearm shall be delivered:
(a) Within 10 days of the application to purchase, or, after
notice by the department pursuant to Section 28220, within 10 days of
the submission to the department of any correction to the
application, or within 10 days of the submission to the department of
any fee required pursuant to Section 28225, whichever is later.
(b) Unless unloaded and securely wrapped or unloaded and in a
locked container.
(c) Unless the purchaser, transferee, or person being loaned the
firearm presents clear evidence of the person's identity and age to
the dealer.
(d) Whenever the dealer is notified by the Department of Justice
that the person is prohibited by state or federal law from
processing, owning, purchasing, or receiving a firearm. The dealer
shall make available to the person in the prohibited class a
prohibited notice and transfer form, provided by the department,
stating that the person is prohibited from owning or possessing a
firearm, and that the person may obtain from the department the
reason for the prohibition.