Section 2885 Of Article 2. Sale Of Prison Goods Made Outside California From California Penal Code >> Title 1. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 6. >> Article 2.
. No person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation
within this State shall sell or offer, trade, consign, keep, expose
or display for sale any goods, wares or merchandise manufactured,
assembled, produced or mined in whole or in part by the prisoners in
any penitentiary, prison, reformatory or other establishment in which
prison labor is employed, unless such person, firm, partnership,
association or corporation shall keep permanently and conspicuously
displayed within the same inclosure and within 10 feet of the place
where said prison-made goods, wares or merchandise are kept, exposed,
displayed or offered for sale a suitable sign, at least 36 inches
wide and 10 inches high, on which appear in legible letters not less
than two inches high the following words: "Convict-made products on
sale here."