Section 4489 Of Chapter 2. Fiscal Provisions From California Penal Code >> Title 4.7. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 2.
. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this title,
the Director of Finance may by executive order authorize the
withdrawal from the General Fund of an amount or amounts not to
exceed the amount of the unsold bonds which the committee has by
resolution authorized to be sold for the purpose of carrying out this
title. Any amounts withdrawn shall be deposited in the fund and
shall be disbursed by the board in accordance with this title. Any
money made available under this section to the board shall be
returned by the board to the General Fund from moneys received from
the sale of bonds sold for the purpose of carrying out this title.
These withdrawals from the General Fund shall be returned to the
General Fund with interest at the rate which would have otherwise
been earned by these sums in the Pooled Money Investment Fund.