Section 6007 Of Chapter 4.5. Examination Of Staff For Tuberculosis From California Penal Code >> Title 7. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 4.5.
. (a) No person shall be employed initially by the department
unless that person, after an offer of employment, completes an
examination, a test, or a medical evaluation and is found to be free
of tuberculosis in an infectious or contagious stage prior to
assuming work duties.
(b) As a condition of continued employment with the department,
those employees who are skin-test negative shall receive an
examination or test at least once a year, or more often if directed
by the department, for as long as the employee remains skin-test
negative. If an employee has a documented positive skin test, the
employee shall have a medical evaluation to determine the need for
followup care. An employee with a positive skin test shall follow the
department's guidelines for tuberculosis control.
(c) The department shall ensure that all examinations or tests and
medical evaluations, as defined in subdivisions (b) and (c) of
Section 6006.5, to diagnose and assess the health conditions of the
person, meet the following conditions:
(1) Are made available to the employee promptly at a reasonable
time and place.
(2) Are made available at no cost to the employee.
(3) Are performed by, or under the supervision of, a licensed
health care professional.
(d) The examinations or tests or medical evaluations required
pursuant to this chapter shall be offered by the department. The
department may contract with a medical provider to administer the
examinations or tests or medical evaluations. Employees who elect not
to accept the department's offer shall obtain the examinations or
tests or medical evaluations through their personal health care
providers at no cost to the department.
The requirements of this section apply to the Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation and the Board of Parole Hearings.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each department or board
shall be responsible for the costs of the testing or evaluation
required by this section for its own employees or potential
(e) Followup care for tuberculosis infection or treatment for
tuberculosis disease shall be pursued through the workers'
compensation system as provided in Division 4 (commencing with
Section 3200) and Division 5 (commencing with Section 6300) of the
Labor Code for job-related incidents or through the employee's health
insurance plan for non-job-related incidents. The department shall
file a first report of injury for an employee whose examination or
test for tuberculosis is positive. In addition, the department shall
follow the guidelines, policies, and procedures of the workers'
compensation early intervention program pursuant to Section 3214 of
the Labor Code.
(f) Each employee, including employees who are employed initially,
shall submit a signed certificate to the department annually that
may be reviewed by the chief medical officer of the department.
(g) The department shall maintain a file containing an up-to-date
certificate for each employee.
(h) Nothing in this section shall prevent the department from
requiring and providing more extensive or more frequent examinations
or tests.
(i) The department shall not discriminate against any employee
because the employee tested positive for tuberculosis.
(j) All volunteers of the department shall be required to furnish
the department with a certificate prior to assuming their volunteer
duties and annually thereafter, showing that the volunteer has been
examined and found to be free of tuberculosis in an infectious or
contagious stage.
(k) The department shall maintain a file containing an up-to-date
certificate for each volunteer.
(l) Employees from other state agencies, including, but not
limited to, the State Department of State Hospitals and the
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, who are assigned to work
in an institution, as defined in subdivision (h) of Section 6006.5,
or who are assigned to work with inmates or wards on a regular basis,
as defined in the department's guidelines, shall comply with the
following requirements:
(1) Receive an examination or test prior to assuming their duties
and at least once a year thereafter, or more often if directed by the
department, for as long as the employee remains skin-test negative.
(2) Receive a medical evaluation to determine the need for
followup care and follow the department's guidelines for tuberculosis
control if an employee has a documented positive skin test.
(3) Submit a signed certificate to the department prior to
assuming his or her duties and annually thereafter, showing that the
employee has been found to be free of tuberculosis in an infectious
or contagious state.
(4) Pursue followup care for tuberculosis infection or treatment
for tuberculosis disease through the appropriate programs in their
agency or department.
(m) The department shall offer the examinations, tests, or medical
evaluations required pursuant to this chapter to employees of other
state agencies or departments and may contract with a medical
provider to administer the examinations, tests, or medical
evaluations. Employees of other state agencies or departments who
elect not to accept the department's offer shall obtain the
examinations, tests, or medical evaluations from their personal
health care provider at no cost to the department.
(n) The department shall maintain a file containing an up-to-date
certificate for each employee from other state agencies who works in
an institution.