Section 980 Of Chapter 1. Of The Arraignment Of The Defendant From California Penal Code >> Title 6. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 1.
. (a) At any time after the order for a bench warrant is made,
whether the court is sitting or not, the clerk may issue a bench
warrant to one or more counties.
(b) The clerk shall require the appropriate agency to enter each
bench warrant issued on a private surety-bonded felony case into the
national warrant system (National Crime Information Center (NCIC)).
If the appropriate agency fails to enter the bench warrant into the
national warrant system (NCIC), and the court finds that this failure
prevented the surety or bond agent from surrendering the fugitive
into custody, prevented the fugitive from being arrested or taken
into custody, or resulted in the fugitive's subsequent release from
custody, the court having jurisdiction over the bail shall, upon
petition, set aside the forfeiture of the bond and declare all
liability on the bail bond to be exonerated.