Section 2640 Of Chapter 8. Compensation Of Guardian, Conservator, And Attorney From California Probate Code >> Division 4. >> Part 4. >> Chapter 8.
. (a) At any time after the filing of the inventory and
appraisal, but not before the expiration of 90 days from the issuance
of letters or any other period of time as the court for good cause
orders, the guardian or conservator of the estate may petition the
court for an order fixing and allowing compensation to any one or
more of the following:
(1) The guardian or conservator of the estate for services
rendered to that time.
(2) The guardian or conservator of the person for services
rendered to that time.
(3) The attorney for services rendered to that time by the
attorney to the guardian or conservator of the person or estate or
(b) Notice of the hearing shall be given for the period and in the
manner provided for in Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 1460) of
Part 1.
(c) Upon the hearing, the court shall make an order allowing (1)
any compensation requested in the petition the court determines is
just and reasonable to the guardian or conservator of the estate for
services rendered or to the guardian or conservator of the person for
services rendered, or to both, and (2) any compensation requested in
the petition the court determines is reasonable to the attorney for
services rendered to the guardian or conservator of the person or
estate or both. The compensation allowed to the guardian or
conservator of the person, the guardian or conservator of the estate,
and to the attorney may, in the discretion of the court, include
compensation for services rendered before the date of the order
appointing the guardian or conservator. The compensation allowed
shall thereupon be charged to the estate. Legal services for which
the attorney may be compensated include those services rendered by
any paralegal performing legal services under the direction and
supervision of an attorney. The petition or application for
compensation shall set forth the hours spent and services performed
by the paralegal.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (c), the
guardian or conservator shall not be compensated from the estate for
any costs or fees that the guardian or conservator incurred in
unsuccessfully opposing a petition, or other request or action, made
by or on behalf of the ward or conservatee, unless the court
determines that the opposition was made in good faith, based on the
best interests of the ward or conservatee.