Section 21071 Of Article 74. Ventura County Watershed Protection District From California Public Contract Code >> Division 2. >> Part 3. >> Chapter 1.5. >> Article 74.
. (a) All contracts for any improvement or unit of work except
as provided in this article estimated to cost in excess of ten
thousand dollars ($10,000) shall be let to the lowest responsible
bidder in the manner provided in this article. The board of
supervisors of the district shall advertise by three insertions in a
daily newspaper of general circulation or two insertions in a weekly
newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the
district inviting sealed proposals for the construction of, the
improvement or work before any contract shall be made for the
improvement or work, and may let by contract separately any part of
the work or improvement. The board shall require the successful
bidder to file with the board good and sufficient bonds to be
approved by the board conditioned upon the faithful performance of
the contract and upon the payment of their claims for labor and
material in connection with the contract. The bonds shall contain the
terms and conditions set forth in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section
9550) of Title 3 of Part 6 of Division 4 of the Civil Code and be
subject to the provisions of that chapter. The board shall also have
the right to reject any and all bids. If all proposals are rejected
or no proposals are received pursuant to the advertisement, the
estimated cost of the work does not exceed the sum of ten thousand
dollars ($10,000), or the work consists of channel protection,
maintenance work, or emergency work when necessary in order to
protect life and property from impending flood damage, the board of
supervisors may, without advertising for bids, have the work done by
force account or negotiated contract.
(b) The district shall have the power to purchase in the open
market without advertising for bids, materials, supplies, equipment,
and other personal property for use in any work either under contract
or by force account if the costs do not exceed ten thousand dollars
($10,000). It shall be the duty of the purchasing agent of Ventura
County, as the ex officio purchasing agent of the Ventura County
Watershed Protection District, unless otherwise ordered by the board
of supervisors, to purchase for the district all materials, supplies,
equipment, and other personal property necessary to carry out the
purposes of this article, and to engage independent contractors to
perform sundry services for the district, if the aggregate cost of
such work, exclusive of materials to be furnished by the district,
does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
(c) The purchasing agent shall make all purchases and contracts
upon proper requisition, signed by the engineer-manager of the
district, or his or her authorized representative.
(d) If the work consists of the maintenance or alteration of
existing facilities, including electrical, painting, and roofing if
the cost of labor and materials for the work according to the
engineer's estimate will exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), and
if the work is not of the type of work referred to in this section,
the maintenance and alteration work shall be performed under a
contract or contracts that shall be let to the lowest responsible
bidder or bidders in the manner described in this section.