Section 12854 Of Article 6a. Electric, Water, Communications, Or Sewage Disposal System Improvements From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 6. >> Chapter 6. >> Article 6a.
. Upon any such resolution taking effect subject to the right
of referendum pursuant to this article, the board shall cause the
same to be published in the manner provided for the publication of
notices. At any time within 60 days after the date of the second such
publication a referendum petition, signed by voters in number equal
to at least 3 percent of the total vote cast, as defined in Section
11507, demanding the submission of such resolution to a vote of the
voters of the district for their assent to the issuance of the
proposed bonds, may be filed with the secretary. Upon presentation to
the secretary of a referendary petition, the resolution which is the
subject thereof shall be of no effect unless and until it has been
assented to by the voters.