Section 21655 Of Article 2.7. Regulation Of Obstructions From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 9. >> Part 1. >> Chapter 4. >> Article 2.7.
. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the proposed
site of any state building or other enclosure is within two miles,
measured by air line, of that point on an airport runway, or runway
proposed by an airport master plan, which is nearest the site, the
state agency or office which proposes to construct the building or
other enclosure shall, before acquiring title to property for the new
state building or other enclosure site or for an addition to a
present site, notify the Department of Transportation, in writing, of
the proposed acquisition. The department shall investigate the
proposed site and, within 30 working days after receipt of the
notice, shall submit to the state agency or office which proposes to
construct the building or other enclosure a written report of the
investigation and its recommendations concerning acquisition of the
If the report of the department does not favor acquisition of the
site, no state funds shall be expended for the acquisition of the new
state building or other enclosure site, or the expansion of the
present site, or for the construction of the state building or other
enclosure, provided that the provisions of this section shall not
affect title to real property once it is acquired.