Section 22745 Of Article 2. Bond Election From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 9. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 5. >> Article 2.
. Any person offering to vote may be challenged by any elector
of the district. In the case of a challenge the judge or clerks of
the election shall administer to the person challenged an oath
substantially as follows: "You do swear that you are a citizen of the
United States, that you are 21 years of age, that you have resided
in this State one year, in this county 90 days, and in this airport
district 30 days preceding this election, and that your name is on
the great register of this county and was on the great register of a
precinct in this airport district at least 30 days before this
election, and that you have not before voted this day." If the person
challenged takes this oath his vote shall be received. Otherwise his
vote shall be rejected.