Section 24908 Of Article 5. Meetings And Legislation From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 10. >> Part 1. >> Chapter 3. >> Article 5.
. (a) The board may, by ordinance or resolution, provide that
each director shall be paid a sum that shall not exceed one thousand
dollars ($1,000) for each calendar month that he or she serves as a
director. The board may, by ordinance or resolution, provide for an
adjustment to the monthly compensation based upon the percentage
increase in the California Consumer Price Index, as calculated by the
Department of Finance, for each calendar year following the
operative date of the last adjustment. The adjustment shall not
become effective until the next regular election of the directors
following the adoption of the ordinance or resolution.
(b) The ordinance or resolution to authorize a monthly stipend
pursuant to subdivision (a), in lieu of per-meeting compensation,
shall include a requirement that a director may receive a monthly
stipend for a given month only if he or she attends all scheduled and
noticed regular board meetings for that month. For those directors
meeting this attendance requirement, the amount of one hundred
dollars ($100) shall be deducted from the stipend for failure to
attend each meeting of a committee on which he or she serves that
month. In any month that a director fails to meet these attendance
requirements, that director may be compensated at the rate of one
hundred dollars ($100) per board or committee meeting attended, not
to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) for that month.
(c) For the purpose of this section, a director who misses a
scheduled and noticed meeting of the board or committee while
attending to official district business pursuant to authorization
shall be deemed to have attended the meeting.
(d) The ordinance or resolution may provide for not more than two
excused absences during a calendar year without disqualifying the
director for a monthly stipend.
(e) In addition to the compensation otherwise provided in this
section, each director may be allowed necessary traveling and
personal expenses incurred solely as a result of the performance of
his or her duties, in amounts as may be authorized by the board.
Reimbursement for these expenses is subject to Sections 53232.2 and
53232.3 of the Government Code.