
Section 5143 Of Article 2. Regulation Of Household Goods Carriers From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 2. >> Chapter 7. >> Article 2.

. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
  (1) "Consignor" means the person named in the bill of lading as the person from whom the household goods and personal effects have been received for shipment and that person's agent.
  (2) "Consignee" means the person named in the bill of lading to whom or to whose order the household goods carrier is required to make delivery as provided in the bill of lading and that person's agent.
  (b) Any household goods carrier engaged in the business of transportation of used household goods and personal effects by motor vehicle over any public highway in this state shall provide each consignor with a completed copy of the notice set forth in this section. The notice shall be printed in at least 12-point type, except the title and first two paragraphs which shall be printed in boldface type, and provided to each consignor at least three days prior to the date scheduled for the transportation of household goods or personal effects. If the consignor requests services on a date that is less than three days before the scheduled date for transportation of the household goods or personal effects, the carrier shall provide the notice as soon as practicable, but in no event may the carrier commence any services until the consignor has signed and received a signed copy of the notice. The carrier shall obtain sufficient information from the consignor to fill out the form and shall include the correct maximum amount and a sufficient description of services that will be performed. The carrier shall retain a copy of the notice, signed by the consignor, for at least three years from the date the notice was signed by the consignor.
  (c) Any waiver of the requirements of this section is void and unenforceable.
  (d) The "Not To Exceed" amount set forth in the notice and the agreement between the household goods carrier and the consignor shall be the maximum total dollar amount for which the consignor may be liable for the transportation of household goods and personal effects and any additional services ordered by the consignor (including any bona fide change order permitted under the commission's rules and tariffs) and agreed to by the consignor before any goods or personal effects are moved from their location or any other services are performed.
  (e) A household goods carrier may provide the notice set forth in this section either as a separate document or by including it as the centerfold of the informational booklet that the household goods carrier is required to provide the consignor under the commission's tariffs. If the household goods carrier provides the notice as part of the informational booklet, the booklet shall contain a tab that extends beyond the edge of the booklet at the place where the notice is included. The statement "Important Notice" shall be printed on the tab in at least 12-point boldface type. In addition, the statement "Customer Must Read And Sign The Important Notice In The Middle Of This Booklet Before A Move Can Begin" shall be set forth in 14-point boldface type on the front cover of the booklet.
  (f) The notice provided the consignor shall be in the following form: "IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT YOUR MOVE "IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ONLY AGREE TO A "NOT TO EXCEED" AMOUNT THAT YOU THINK IS A PROPER AND REASONABLE FEE FOR THE SERVICES YOU ARE REQUESTING. THE "NOT TO EXCEED" AMOUNT THIS MOVER IS REQUESTING IS $____________________ to perform the following services: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.