Section 5900 Of Division 2.5. The Digital Infrastructure And Video Competition Act Of 2006 From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 2.5.
. (a) The holder of a state franchise shall comply with the
provisions of Sections 53055, 53055.1, 53055.2, and 53088.2 of the
Government Code, and any other customer service standards pertaining
to the provision of video service established by federal law or
regulation or adopted by subsequent enactment of the Legislature. All
customer service and consumer protection standards under this
section shall be interpreted and applied to accommodate newer or
different technologies while meeting or exceeding the goals of the
(b) The holder of a state franchise shall comply with provisions
of Section 637.5 of the Penal Code and the privacy standards
contained in Section 551 and following of Title 47 of the United
States Code.
(c) The local entity shall enforce all of the customer service and
protection standards of this section with respect to complaints
received from residents within the local entity's jurisdiction, but
it may not adopt or seek to enforce any additional or different
customer service or other performance standards under Section 53055.3
or subdivision (q), (r), or (s) of Section 53088.2 of the Government
Code, or any other authority or provision of law.
(d) The local entity shall, by ordinance or resolution, provide a
schedule of penalties for any material breach by a holder of a state
franchise of this section. No monetary penalties shall be assessed
for a material breach if it is out of the reasonable control of the
holder. Further, no monetary penalties may be imposed prior to
January 1, 2007. Any schedule of monetary penalties adopted pursuant
to this section shall in no event exceed five hundred dollars ($500)
for each day of each material breach, not to exceed one thousand five
hundred dollars ($1,500) for each occurrence of a material breach.
However, if a material breach of this section has occurred, and the
local entity has provided notice and a fine or penalty has been
assessed, and if a subsequent material breach of the same nature
occurs within 12 months, the penalties may be increased by the local
entity to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each day of
each material breach, not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000)
for each occurrence of the material breach. If a third or further
material breach of the same nature occurs within those same 12
months, and the local entity has provided notice and a fine or
penalty has been assessed, the penalties may be increased to a
maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each day of
each material breach, not to exceed seven thousand five hundred
dollars ($7,500) for each occurrence of the material breach. With
respect to video providers subject to a franchise or license, any
monetary penalties assessed under this section shall be reduced
dollar-for-dollar to the extent any liquidated damage or penalty
provision of a current cable television ordinance, franchise
contract, or license agreement imposes a monetary obligation upon a
video provider for the same customer service failures, and no other
monetary damages may be assessed.
(e) The local entity shall give the video service provider written
notice of any alleged material breach of the customer service
standards of this division and allow the video provider at least 30
days from receipt of the notice to remedy the specified material
(f) A material breach for the purposes of assessing penalties
shall be deemed to have occurred for each day within the jurisdiction
of each local entity, following the expiration of the period
specified in subdivision (e), that any material breach has not been
remedied by the video service provider, irrespective of the number of
customers or subscribers affected.
(g) Any penalty assessed pursuant to this section shall be
remitted to the local entity, which shall submit one-half of the
penalty to the Digital Divide Account established in Section 280.5.
(h) Any interested person may seek judicial review of a decision
of the local entity in a court of appropriate jurisdiction. For this
purpose, a court of law shall conduct a de novo review of any issues
(i) This section shall not preclude a party affected by this
section from utilizing any judicial remedy available to that party
without regard to this section. Actions taken by a local legislative
body, including a local franchising entity, pursuant to this section
shall not be binding upon a court of law. For this purpose, a court
of law shall conduct de novo review of any issues presented.
(j) For purposes of this section, "material breach" means any
substantial and repeated failure of a video service provider to
comply with service quality and other standards specified in
subdivision (a).
(k) The Office of Ratepayer Advocates shall have authority to
advocate on behalf of video subscribers regarding renewal of a
state-issued franchise and enforcement of this section, and Sections
5890 and 5950. For this purpose, the office shall have access to any
information in the possession of the commission subject to all
restrictions on disclosure of that information that are applicable to
the commission.