Section 798 Of Article 4. Books And Accounts From California Public Utilities Code >> Division 1. >> Part 1. >> Chapter 4. >> Article 4.
. (a) Whenever the commission finds and determines that any
water corporation with more than 2,000 service connections, or an
electrical, gas, or telephone corporation, has willfully made an
imprudent payment to, or received a less than reasonable payment
from, any subsidiary or affiliate of, or corporation holding a
controlling interest in, the water, electrical, gas, or telephone
corporation in violation of any rule or order of the commission,
adopted and published by the commission prior to the transaction but
after notice to, and an opportunity to comment by, the affected
corporation, and the corporation has sought to recover the payment in
any proceeding before the commission, the commission, following a
hearing, may levy a penalty against the corporation not to exceed
three times the required or prohibited payment, as the case may be,
if the commission finds that the payment, in whole or part, was made
or received by the corporation for the purpose of benefiting its
subsidiary, affiliate, or holding corporation. This penalty is in
addition to any criminal penalties which may apply.
(b) In determining whether to impose a civil penalty under this
section, the commission may take into consideration multistate public
utility diversification activities involving cross-subsidization
which are permissible in other states or under federal jurisdiction
although in violation of the commission's rules and orders.