Section 202 Of Article 1. Taxable And Exempt Property From California Revenue And Taxation Code >> Division 1. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 1. >> Article 1.
. (a) The exemption of the following property is as specified in
subdivisions (a), (b), (d), and (h) of Section 3 of Article XIII of
the Constitution, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (a) of
Section 11 thereof:
(1) Growing crops.
(2) Property used for free public libraries and free museums.
(3) Property used exclusively for public schools, community
colleges, state colleges, and state universities, including the
University of California.
(4) Property belonging to this state, a county, or a city.
Property belonging to the State Compensation Insurance Fund is not
property belonging to this state.
(b) The exemption described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)
shall apply to off-campus facilities owned or leased by an
apprenticeship program sponsor, if such facilities are used
exclusively by the public schools for classes of related and
supplemental instruction for apprentices or trainees which are
conducted by the public schools under Chapter 4 (commencing with
Section 3070) of Division 3 of the Labor Code.
(c) Without prejudice to the right to assert an exemption
otherwise available under subdivision (a), (d), or (e) of Section 3
of Article XIII of the Constitution, a property tax under this
division shall be imposed upon that portion of the bookstore property
determined to be generating the unrelated business taxable income,
as defined in Section 512 of the Internal Revenue Code, to the extent
property is:
(1) Owned by an educational institution of collegiate grade or
used by a nonprofit corporation operating a student bookstore
affiliated with such an educational institution, and
(2) Is primarily devoted to bookstore use that produces income
that is taxable as unrelated business taxable income.
This tax shall be determined by establishing a ratio of the
unrelated business taxable income to the bookstore's gross income as
defined by the Internal Revenue Code. That percent shall be the
maximum percentage of such bookstore property on which a property tax
can be levied.
At the end of a fiscal year when unrelated business income has
been generated, the nonprofit organization shall file with the
assessor copies of the organization's most recent tax return filed
with the Internal Revenue Service.