Section 236 Of Article 1. Taxable And Exempt Property From California Revenue And Taxation Code >> Division 1. >> Part 2. >> Chapter 1. >> Article 1.
. Property leased for a term of 35 years or more or any transfer
of property leased with a remaining term of 35 years or more where
the lessor is not otherwise qualified for a tax exemption pursuant to
Section 214, which is used exclusively and solely for rental housing
and related facilities for tenants who are persons of low income (as
defined in Section 50093 of the Health and Safety Code), and is
leased and operated by religious, hospital, scientific, or charitable
funds, foundations or corporations, public housing authorities,
public agencies, or limited partnerships in which the managing
general partner has received a determination that it is a charitable
organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and
is operating the property in accordance with its exempt purpose is
exempt from taxation on the possessory interest and the fee interest
in the property throughout the term of the lease.
Low- and moderate-income has the same meaning as the term "persons
and families of low- and moderate-income" as defined by Section
50093 of the Health and Safety Code.