Section 12202 Of Chapter 11. Consumer Recovery Fund From California Vehicle Code >> Division 5. >> Chapter 11.
. (a) The recovery corporation shall have a board of directors
composed of six directors, as follows:
(1) One public consumer representative member appointed by the
Director of Consumer Affairs who shall serve until the appointment is
revoked, another appointment is made, or until the appointed
director resigns. The consumer representative shall be either of the
(A) A current or former prosecutor with at least two years of
direct experience in the civil or criminal enforcement of consumer
protection laws, including laws prohibiting deceptive advertising and
unlawful and fraudulent practices.
(B) A current or former employee of a government agency who has at
least two years of direct experience in one of the following:
(i) The investigation, mediation, and resolution of consumer
(ii) Providing counseling, information, education, or referral
services to consumers.
(iii) Administering a consumer protection program that provides
any of the services described in clause (i) or (ii).
(2) A representative of the Attorney General, who shall serve as
an ex officio, nonvoting member.
(3) One member of the general public appointed by the Senate
Committee on Rules to a two-year term.
(4) One member of the general public appointed by the Speaker of
the Assembly to a two-year term, except that the initial appointment
to the board of directors shall be for a one-year term.
(5) Two participants, who shall be appointed by the Governor for
two-year terms, except that the initial term of the position of one
of the participant directors shall be for a one-year term.
(b) A person is eligible to be nominated and to serve as a
participant director if the person satisfies all of the following
(1) The person's primary occupation, at the time of nomination and
continuously during the previous three years, has been as an owner
or general manager of a licensed dealer or lessor-retailer.
(2) The person has not been convicted of a crime, including a plea
or verdict of guilty or a conviction following a plea of nolo
(3) The person is not subject to a judgment or administrative
order, whether entered after adjudication or stipulation, predicated
on that person's commission of an act of dishonesty, fraud, deceit,
or violation of this chapter or Chapter 5 (commencing with Section
17200) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code.
(4) The person is not a defendant in a pending criminal or civil
law enforcement action brought by a public prosecutor.
(5) The person has not served as a participant director of the
recovery corporation at any time during the previous 18 months.
(c) A director who does not qualify to be a participant director,
whose term has lapsed, or who otherwise becomes unable to serve shall
not continue to serve as a director.